School of Frontier Missions
8th Sep - 6th Dec 2025
A-Nations $1,200
B-Nations $800
C-Nations $400
What is SoFM?
Today it is estimated that 85% of all Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists do not know one single Christian. This school is a specialized missionary training program designed to prepare missionaries to take the gospel to unreached people groups.
Our commitment is to bring the life-changing, community-transforming power of the gospel to unreached peoples.
We work to present the good news in understandable ways. New believers begin to lovingly obey and follow Jesus. They gather together in simple fellowships. God speaks to them through His Word and His Spirit. God empowers them to spread the blessings of His Kingdom within their families, among their neighbours, throughout their societies, and across the nations.
Disciples make disciples who make disciples—a movement emerges.
Find out more about about Frontier Missions
Topics Covered
Biblical Basis for Missions
Worldview & Religions
Muslim Evangelism
Pioneering in God’s Kingdom
Unity & Submission
Spiritual Warfare & Intercession
The Cross-Cultural Gospel & Story Telling
First Aid, Hygiene & Sanitation
Developing & Maintaining Support Team
Knowing God Through Suffering
Disciples Making Movement & Church Planting
Holy Spirit