Family Ministry School


7th July - 6th December 2025


A-Nations $2,500
B-Nations $1,100
C-Nations $600


What is a FMS?

Restoring and equipping families for the Great Commission

The Family Ministries School is a second level course that trains people on how to build families based on Godly principles,
prevention of marriage crises and family restoration.

Topics Covered

  • Biblical principles of family

  • Marriage and parenting

  • The dysfunctional family

  • Marriage/ family restoration and enrichment

  • Family relationships

  • Sexuality, addiction, divorce, and remarriage

  • Communication skills, basic family counseling skills

  • Pre-marital counseling

  • Marriage/ family seminar training

The Family Ministry School will enable you to:

- Understand God’s plan for the correct functioning of marriage and family
- Understand God’s principles for healthy and fulfilling sexuality
- Experience personal growth in these areas resulting in a happy, healthy and fruitful personal life and happy family relationships
- Become involved in the exciting ministry of discipleship and family ministry as a fulfillment of The Great Commission
- Develop family counseling skills which will equip you to help others in a very needy world
- Learn skills for conducting seminars on family, marriage and parenting
- Learn basics of communication and teamwork in ministry